
mayoon part 2: constructing a backdrop

Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Part two of the mayoon decorations will be all about the backdrop for where I was sitting, and how we constructed it!

I wanted something with fabric hanging in the backdrop similar to the engagement decorations, but the challenge was finding something to hang the fabric from. For the engagement, the fireplace mantel served that purpose. For the mayoon, I decided to create something with two poles placed vertically on the side and a horizontal pole placed on top. The top pole would be something from which I could hang the fabric, and the side poles would provide support and stability. Fittingly, my engineer dad and architect stepmom gave me this idea.

Instead of making a trip out to buy some PVC pipes, I found some large bamboo plant stakes in my garage that seemed perfect for the job. Because they were bamboo, they weren't perfectly straight, but the fabric covered the imperfections. I used heavy duty masking tape to tape the poles together to create a pi-shaped (π) frame. To save my newly constructed frame from toppling over, I used masking tape to tape the lower parts of the side poles to my TV stand. Before adding the fabric to the frame, I basically had two bamboo poles taped to both sides of the TV stand, with a horizontal bamboo pole on top. The TV was of course on the TV stand, but it didn't matter because the fabric would soon be covering it.

Next was hanging the fabric. I bought 2 cuts of shiny green fabric and taped the fabric over the horizontal pole on the top. This was pretty simple and having the green (versus a lighter color like gold or silver) hid the shadow of the TV from underneath the fabric. I had leftover gold fabric from the engagement decor, which I attached with masking tape to the top of the curtains (behind the frame/backdrop). This way, it hid some of the curtains in the back and added another layer of decor.

Adding the rest of the touches was easy. I added some red tulle to the ends and hung a longer piece of it down the middle, and added some petal garland pieces to the end. I added a flower garland with yellow flowers to provide some contrast against the green, and to disguise the slight crookedness of the bamboo. 

And that was it!

Here's an action shot from later that night with my sister, me, and my friend Saleha:

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