
style breakdown: feeling Parisian

Tuesday, October 9, 2018

Inspired by the following French influences in my life as of late: a Phoenix concert and subsequently having their music on repeat all week, H recently finishing a podcast on the French Revolution (and telling me a ton about it), and following Paris Fashion Week highlights.
I wore this to dinner over the weekend with the goal of adding as much pattern to the look as possible. The shoes were the center around which I planned the outfit, mainly because I had bought them in July and still had yet to wear them. Also, cap toed heels are having a moment right now. Opting for something comfortable, I went with plaid jogger pants paired with a tucked in shirt dress. The collar and bow make the look less casual, especially with a tweed inspired cardigan. While the color palette was a black + white + beige, adding color wasn't a hard no. The pants have yellow in them, my crossbody was dark blue, and to keep the outfit from being too serious and stuffy, I finished it off with emerald eyeshadow. Keeping the jewelry to a minimum kept the clothing central.

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